Monday, May 2, 2011

Raining out my window,
it spatters on the screen,
wind blows in the willow,
making ropes of green.

It falls upon the brown grass
soaking in so deep
come erase my dreaming
put me back to sleep

To sleep alone is lonely
wrap me in your arms
but tis not true in waking
the blankets keep me warm.

I turn and look at lashes
that fall on cheeks so sweet
when they open softly
innocence of blue I meet

I hold you in my arms
pull you in so tight
the closeness of my babies
keeps me through the night. 

The sunshine pulls me upward
from dreams of loving true
memories return slowly
as my hand reaches out for you.


  1. I like this one. Do you title your poems?

  2. I love this. I especially love the fourth stanza. That's how I often feel when I look at my short friend Oliver...only I could never have espressed that moment so eloquently.
